Meet Kellie
Hi I’m Kellie Ann, I am the wife of Chase since 2007 and mother of two amazing children Brody(9) and Brynn(7).
I love Jesus, I love to laugh and enjoy life! I love to advocate for families that are sick in the hospital and needing help.
I believe that every day is a gift from God and to enjoy every ounce to its fullest. I believe in being fiercely loyal and standing up for what is right.
I love comedy in life, I think you shouldn’t take things so serious! Jesus is my solid foundation, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love gangster wrap and real housewives, ha!
I have my license in insurance, and really love working with people to help find the best deals (weird I know.)
I’m a SAHM who runs her son around the county playing all the baseball he can, I love being that mom! My daughter is a heart kiddo and has a condition called Shone’s complex but she thrives. God’s plans for her and our family are nothing short of miraculous.
I have a problem when I’m uncomfortable or see someone fall I laugh hysterically and can’t help it! Again I try and find joy in everything, even in the trials!
Laughter is life! Find out more: